Alana beale deskgram 16 hours ago
Alana beale deskgram 16 hours ago

  1. #Alana beale deskgram 16 hours ago trial
  2. #Alana beale deskgram 16 hours ago mac

Comtrol's revenues rose to about $25 million, and at its peak it had up to 100 employees, Theodore Beale said.īeale's issues with the IRS surfaced in the early 1990s when he had a dispute with the IRS over an Artist Graphics facility located in Ireland, Theodore Beale said.īeale later began reading books about the tax code. But Beale had started Comtrol, which makes devices that connect peripherals like printers and modems to computers. A firm called Artist Graphics that he started in the early 1980s had revenue of up to $35 million a year by the end of the decade, according to his eldest son, Theodore Beale, who now lives in Italy.Īs the computer graphics industry shifted from computer cards to chips, the firm folded. Hammond said through his daughter-in-law and assistant, Kristin Hammond, that he and Beale "had points of disagreement and taxes were one of them." Hammond said "he was very sorry for what has happened to Bob."īeale, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate, was an engineer with an entrepreneurial touch.

#Alana beale deskgram 16 hours ago mac

He was Minnesota campaign manager for Pat Robertson, the conservative television evangelist who ran unsuccessfully for president in 1988.įor about 10 years until the mid-1990s, Beale said he was a major contributor and board member of Living Word Christian Center, a large Brooklyn Park church where Mac Hammond is senior pastor. While no household name, Beale has been in the spotlight before. "I assumed if they ended up disagreeing with me, I would just pay the taxes." "I never imagined they would take such a hard line," he said.

alana beale deskgram 16 hours ago

He said he regretted taking on the IRS and failing to pay his taxes.

alana beale deskgram 16 hours ago

Now held at the Sherburne County jail in Elk River, Beale talked about the reasons he went on the lam (he needed more time to prepare his case), his life as a fugitive (he took a cruise) and how he got caught (he said his ex-wife tipped off authorities).

#Alana beale deskgram 16 hours ago trial

He failed to show up for his federal trial in Minneapolis in August 2006, resulting in a 14½-month manhunt. I was very naive."īeale got involved in the tax protest movement years ago. "īeale said: "In hindsight, I believe I was not wise. "The hardest part is thinking about family and friends on the outside," said Beale, 64. He spends his days in a jail cell, preparing for a trial that could send him to federal prison for a decade or more for tax evasion and unlawful flight. His son has ousted him from the Maple Grove computer firm Beale founded. His wife has divorced him and seized his assets.

alana beale deskgram 16 hours ago

Now Beale wears the orange jumpsuit of a jail inmate, back in custody after 14 months as a fugitive. Then he decided he had the legal right to stop paying his taxes. He was a leader of his church and a successful business executive. Not so very long ago, he had a wife, a family and substantial wealth.

Alana beale deskgram 16 hours ago